Throughout Ghana there is an insufficient number of institutes that provide Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) needed to get skilled workers in a wide variety of areas


This lack of available training and education contributes to high-level of unemployment in the country, as many people (especially youth), do not have access to this service.

Moreover, the available institutes do not always possess the necessary facilities and materials to deliver successful and useful training. It has also become apparent that the institutes who do provide the technical training often make use of outdated curricula and do not teach the relevant, current and up-to-date skills.

There is limited availability of training and education on the tertiary level and complying with the necessary admission requirements is relatively difficult. Hence, the supply of TVET training does not cover the demand.

Centre for Enterprise Learning is keen on tackling this issue.

The Facility

In the Circular Economy Hub, as part of the Organic Waste-to-Value Initiative, CEL has therefore set up the TVET Centre where a wide variety of skills training and (business development) support programs will be realized. These trainings will cover topics related to the circular economy and be adapted to the needs of those who are attending the trainings. The goal of this training centre is to provide this service to those that are in the Nsawam area and could benefit from this. The focus will be on youth and women, as this is where the highest level of unemployment is.

The training programs, on successful completion, will significantly impact the employment level and therefore the socio-economic stance of the area. Due to the programs being targeted on circular economy related topics the overall environmental health of the area is also likely to significantly improve.

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